Thank you for connecting with Enable Hub. We are here to help you understand and work through the process for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). To get you started on your NDIS journey Enable Hub provides advocacy services for assistance.

Enable Hub is a one-stop shop where we offer support coordination, support workers (travel/ personal care/personal activities/home duties), emotional and psychological well-being assistance, development in life skills, community nursing and much more.

So, let’s begin to discuss the NDIS, a federal government scheme that offers services and support to those living with a disability/s. The NDIS extends beyond the financial system and prioritises early intervention. NDIS supports flexibility when selecting services and regular plan reviews to ensure your needs are met.

NDIS processes follow the Federal government’s commitment to diversity, community engagement, and unlocking the full potential of individuals. The eligibility process is based on age and the nature of the condition. NDIS has been established to support Australia’s journey towards a more equal and supportive society.

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Nurse assisting senior citizen

The NDIS is different and unique to each individual, figuring out the Scheme can feel overwhelming. Yet, if you tackle it step by step with careful attention, the complexity becomes more understandable, making the whole process less discouraging. Here are some of the steps for navigating your National disability insurance scheme services:

Step 1 – Eligibility

Firstly, it’s crucial to assess your eligibility for NDIS. Individuals under 65 years of age with a permanent and significant disability typically meet the criteria. Once eligibility is established, the next step is for you to complete and submit an access request form to the NDIS.

Step 2 – Access Request

The NDIS access request form is straightforward through the Scheme’s website ( Alternatively, you can request the form by contacting the NDIS directly by phone or email or by visiting one of their local offices. This dual availability allows people to choose the approach that best suits their preferences.

Step 4 – Planning Meeting

During the planning meeting, it’s important to come prepared with thoughts on the types of support you require. This meeting sets the stage for the making of your NDIS support plan.

Step 5 – Plan Approval

Upon finalising the plan, it must go through an approval process. Once approved, you can start accessing the funded support outlined in the plan.

Step 6 – Choose NDIS Service Providers

The next step involves choosing your NDIS service providers for the wanted supports and services, such as:

Step 7 – Implement and Review

As the plan is implemented, regular reviews are essential to ensure it continues to meet your evolving needs. Should circumstances change, you have the option to request a plan review to make the necessary changes.

Step 8 – Appeals Process

In the event of disagreements or issues with NDIS decisions, there is an appeals process. This process allows you to request a review of decisions made by NDIS management.


Stay updated about the National Disability Insurance Scheme

To navigate the NDIS successfully, it’s crucial to stay informed about any changes or updates to the Scheme. There are resources you can access located on the website, such as local disability organisations, and support groups.

Enable Hub is here to support you in your journey, so please give us a call at 1300 317 770 .

For more information you can visit official website:

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